Are we here already? Gadzooks, it’s the seventh – count ’em – seventh Northern Soul Podcast.

This week Lucy chats to Sarah Perks, artistic director at Cornerhouse, Manchester. To Northern Soul‘s mind, Cornerhouse is to Manchester what the Institute of Contemporary Arts is to London town. Not only that, it’s a Manchester institution. But all good things must morph into summat else and change is on the horizon for Cornerhouse. In Spring 2015, a new purpose-built centre for international contemporary art, theatre, film and books will open its doors for the first time as part of the First Street North development. It will be called HOME and will comprise Cornerhouse and the Library Theatre. Sarah talks to Lucy about Cornerhouse’s future, in 2014 and beyond.

And, on Lucy’s playlist this week are, among others, Frank Hamilton, Menace Beach, London Grammar, Of Monsters and Men and Incan Abraham.

PRS for Music

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