Co-commissioned by Grundy Art Gallery Blackpool and the University of Salford Art CollectionStirrings is the first major solo exhibition by artist Rachel Goodyear in a museum and art gallery in the North West of England and will include new large-scale drawings and a new animation.

For this new exhibition, Goodyear has experimented with scale, making her largest and most detailed drawing to date. With heightened detail, bodies contort, a wolf pack is tangled into a single entity of snarls and fur, and figures explore sensations that hold an ambiguous balance of pleasure and discomfort. With the animation, Goodyear experiments with structure and sound to produce a major new installation for this exhibition.

Elements from the exhibition will be jointly acquired into the permanent collections of Grundy Art Gallery and the University of Salford Art Collection. The exhibition will also tour to Salford Museum and Art Gallery from July 15, 2022.

Main image: Rachel Goodyear Concentration 2022 copyright the artist. Photo Michael Pollard.

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