Eight million tonnes of plastic end up in the world’s oceans every year. If these trends continue, our oceans could contain more plastic than fish by 2050.

A new touring exhibition from international award-winning photographer Mandy Barker aims to highlight the plight of plastic pollution across the globe.

In Our Plastic Ocean, Barker collects debris from shorelines across the world and transforms them into powerful and captivating images. At first glance, Barker’s images are reminiscent of sea creatures and corals suspended in a dark void beneath the sea, but closer inspection reveals a more disturbing reality. From footballs to fishing nets, cotton-buds to coffee-cup lids, the stunning images draw attention to the prevalence of micro-plastics in our seas and the need to raise awareness about this vital environmental challenge.  

Main image: Bird’s Nest From the series Soup

Our Plastic Ocean is showing in the Lauriston Gallery at Waterside until March 7, 2020. Mandy Barker will be giving an Artist’s Talk on February 20 at 7.30pm.

watersidearts.org /@WatersideArts/@plasticpieces

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